Virginia Bell 2018 HOROSCOPE

2018 HOROSCOPE by Virginia Bell in English

 Her official site

There was her official website.
Virginia Bell Astrology

It is a wonderful site.
She introduces herself, introduces her books published by her, and books that she influenced.
There is also a blog.

”Astrology has taught me many things, but perhaps the most valuable thing I’ve learned is about the power of timing. We all bloom at a different time; a rose is no less than a daffodil because it blooms later in the season. There is no right or wrong; our life is a journey that is constantly unfolding, not a series of events to be graded. What’s essential is to honor and respect our process and to treat ourselves with exquisite care no matter where we are in that journey or how long it takes. Astrology is a valuable tool that can help us understand our individual timing and how best to fulfill it.”
*Quoted from Virginia Bell’s Website

After all the timing is important…


She also published books.

Midlife Is Not a Crisis: Using Astrology to Thrive in the Second Half of Life Paperback – April 1, 2017


I also have Twitter so I will write it.

Virginia Bell’ Twitter

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