KT Astrologer, real name Kathir Subbiah’s Horoscope.
Daily Horoscope
KT Astrologer Vedic Astrology Horoscope
Today’s fortune for every 12 signs by KT Astrologer is posted.
You can see the wave of the day in a graph about Health, Family, Love, Career, Travel, Money, Trading.
Monthly Horoscope
Overview, Health, Family and Relationship, Love and Romance, Education, Work and Career, Business and Secondary Income, Lawsuit and Litigation, Travel and Immigration Benefits, Finance, Trading and Investments, People in the field of Movie, Arts, Sports and Politics , Warnings / Remedies, and they are very detailed.
YouTube Channel
KT Astrologer’s YouTube Channel.
KT Astrologer explains each month’s fortune of each sign with a video.
KT Astrologer’s Twitter and Facebook.
There are over 100,000 followers on Facebook.
KT Astrologer has also published books.
- Saturn Transit Predictions 2017 – 2020: Vedic Astrology Kindle Edition
by KT Astrologer (Author)