NIGHT LIGHT NEWS by Risa D’Angeles

NIGHT LIGHT NEWS by Risa D’Angeles


Risa D’Angeles’ s official site.
For each 12sign this week’s fortune is posted. It is a message full of inspiration.

The same article is also posted on,


Contributor at Good Times
Risa is the founder of the Esoteric Astrological Institute and a writer, teacher, esoteric astrologer and counselor. She writes of the new culture and civilization, religion, art, literature, history and the New Group of World Servers. Risa envisions creating an Aquarian community village, the New Sharing Society, a garden and ‘lighted house” for humanity, with schools for all ages, including an Arts & Astrology College, where everyone learns astrology as the language of understanding. She also has a masters degree in Psychology and does occasional readings. ”

*Quoted from Good Times Website


Risa D’Angeles’s Facebook and Risa’s Esoteric Astrology Facebook Page.

Esoteric Astrology’s Facebook page has a lot of followers.

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