AstroMara by Paul O’Mara

AstroMara by Paul O’Mara


Paul O’Mara’s website.
Today, this week, this month’s fortune is posted every 12sign.
The basic personality is also written.


“Hello I am Paul O’Mara. I have been fascinated with self development & belief systems my entire life. I have been lucky enough to live & work in many different countries & cultures all around the globe. A famous west country mystic Madame Tamar, sadly no longer with us, told my mother all about me before I was born. When I finally met this amazing lady my fascination became an obsession. Around this time, my sister, herself a talented reader and counsellor, gifted me my first Tarot deck at the summit of Glastonbury Tor, my spiritual home. As the figures on the painted cards danced before me a powerful transition occurred. I had discovered my destiny.”

*Quoted from

Ofiicial Site

Paul O’Mara’s official site.

Information on tarot reading and psychic reading is posted. It seems that you can apply for an individual appraisal.


Paul O’Mara’s Twitter and Facebook.

Twitter update frequency is high.


Books are also published.

  • Rapid Tarot
    by Paul O’Mara (Author, Illustrator), S Gail Seymour (Foreword)
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