Society6 Your Monthly Horoscope
Free Monthly Horoscopes by Angie Banicki.
This month’s fortune of 12signs is posted.
“Tarot-scopes by Hollywood’s top tarot reader, Angie Banicki accompanied by beautiful zodiac illustrations by UK-based illustrator, Sander B.”
*Quoted from
“Angie Banicki is a high-profile entertainment publicist turned tarot card reader to the stars. What started as a hobby is now a full time job and lifestyle that is all about living with awareness and intention.”
*Quoted from
Official Site
It is the official site of Angie Banicki.
Information on individual session reservation etc is posted.
How I Became a Professional Tarot Card Reader
How I Became a Professional Tarot Card Reader
Angie Banicki’s cosmopolitan article.
Angie Banicki’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.