Free Monthly Forecasts for each sign By Judith Auora Ryan.
You can see it by selecting the month from the “Monthly Forecasts” tab.
Every 12sign is the movement of the star and the message for it.
“Judith Auora Ryan has developed her inherent gifts of psychic insight and extrasensory awareness to a very high level of consciousness. As a child she was recognized as having traits that caused her to be able to read people, events, and future happenings spiritually and accurately. This rare talent was nurtured by her grandmother, also gifted psychically, who believed the greatest legacy she could bestow upon her grandchild would be to help her accept and develop her instinctive gifts, so that she could use them to help others.”
*Quoted from astrologybyjudithryan.com
Judith Auora Ryan’s Facebook.
Feng Shui
Judith Auora Ryan’s Feng Shui Website.
Information such as consulting by Feng Shui is posted here.