Wendy Guy’s astrology website.
Today’s message of 12 signs is posted.
Advanced Daily Horoscope can read more detailed fortune by entering your birthday. This is a message about Personal, Love, Money.
The website has been in operation since 1996.
A huge description of astrology is being done.
“Wendy Guy began her astrological journey 45 years ago, going professional in the 1980s. She was a frequent lecturer in the early days of Astrology Toronto, and has taught classes in both astrology and Solar Fire software. A former editor of AT’s Midheaven newsletter, she later formed her own newsletter/magazine, Transitions, which eventually seeded her current website, Evolving Door Astrology. Wendy is also a skilled webmaster and has a growing business offering a range of website services.”
*Quoted from astrologytoronto.com
Wendy Guy’s Twitter , Facebook and Evolving Door Astrology’s Facebook.
Web site update information etc. are posted.