Summarized Peter Watson’s astrology
The monthly fortune is posted on Harpers Bazaar.
The Astrology Room
Year ahead horoscope 2018 by Peter Watson
Year ahead horoscope 2018 by Peter Watson
It is the fortune in 2018 of The Astrology Room.
Weekly Career Horoscopes
Weekly career luck is posted.
It was also published in the document of GRAZIA. You can read it with PRESSREADER.
“Peter Watson began as the sorcerer’s apprentice while sub-editing Patric Walker’s Mail on Sunday column. After Patric’s death in 1995 he went on to write horoscopes for the Evening Standard, Sunday Mirror and Daily Mail. He remains Celeste on Harpers & Queen and recently joined Grazia. Bike-riding Watson lives near the Oval cricket ground and gives private consultations to celebs, politicians and royalty.”
*Quoted from